Feb, 2023
Jan, 2023
39 Story high-rise condo residence that was built in 2012, located in Etobicoke, Ontario is Savings of 15% with their 4” Eco Valve Water Saver™

Jun, 2022
AFER is pleased to announce that our Patents have come in for our Eco-Clamp Fuel Saver for both natural gas and diesel fuel:
United States of America Patent Numbers: US 9,273,644 B2 and US 9,305,692 B2
May, 2022
They reported that the water looks cleaner, taste better and when they turn the taps on, they don’t gurgle or spit water anymore
July, 2021
PC Fuel Optimizer
May, 2021
We’re very excited to announce that we’ve now partnered with Poland, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria with our Eco-Clamp Fuel Savers.
March, 2021
Distillery in Bardstown, Kentucky USA achieved a SAVINGS of 20% between 2019 and 2020 using the Eco-Clamp Fuel Saver
Full year comparison 2019 was 10.5 cents per gallon of spirits without AFER Fuel Savers
Full year comparison 2020 now 8.44 cents per gallon of spirits Installed AFER Fuel Savers first week of February 2020
January, 2021
We’re very excited to introduce Insynch Energy Services Limited as our exclusive distributor for the UK & Ireland!
Please see our Contact tab for their information.
December, 2020
Residential install of a 3/4″ EVWS took one hour and started at 70
PSI and stayed at 70 PSI
December, 2020
October, 2020
October has been a month of big changes for AFER, one is the announcement of our new Vice President, Jennifer Kaitting and the second is our new location.
Having Jennifer join the AFER team will be a real asset to everyone! We look forward to everything that she will be able to bring to our company.
We’ve moved!! While still being able to remain in Oakville we really did need to move to a larger facility. You can now find us at 461 North Service Road West, Unit B37, Oakville, ON L6M 2V5
September, 2020
We are pleased to have now installed our Eco Sharp Electricity Savers into
the Faster Linen Plant in Toronto. We have taken the Power Factor from 85% to now 95% which puts Faster Linen over the 90% to start achieving great savings, this now has them reducing Water Cost with the Water Valve and Fuel cost with the Eco Clamp Fuel Saver.
April, 2020
Bardstown Kentucky, United States
In Bardstown Kentucky, United States one of the local Distilleries installed our AFER Fuel Savers on three boilers and after a very short period of time you can actually see the change in the colour of the flame. The flame went from a low blue colour to a rich blue colour showing a hotter and cleaner burn. This in turn heats the area quicker therefore using less fuel and to not a lot cleaner allowing less Carbon Monoxide into our environment.
March, 2020
January, 2020
Always fresh! Tim Hortons saving with AFER!
We are pleased to see more of the Tim Horton’s joining in with AFER and the savings, especially in Ottawa which are now in excess of 12 locations enjoying the savings.
January 27, 2020
Holiday Inn Toronto Airport trending 15% savings!
Total savings over the 4 month span is 9% although after making an adjustment in December we are trending a 15% savings.
November, 2019
Eco Valve Water Saver installs underground!
Yes we will install anywhere!
Eco Valve Water Saver installed underground for multiple townhouses and high rise buildings.
November, 2019
31 High Street, Mississauga Ontario has a water reduction of 18.92%!
September, 2019
Did you know that our KVAR Hydro Saver also protects against power surges?
A surge capacitor is a device designed to absorb surges and/or reduce the steepness of their wave front. A capacitor is able to absorb and hold a charge of electricity, returning it to the circuit at a later time. Since the surge capacitor is always connected to the power circuit, current flows at all.
A surge capacitor is a device designed to absorb surges and/or reduce the steepness of their wave front. A capacitor is able to absorb and hold a charge of electricity, returning it to the circuit at a later time. Since the surge capacitor is always connected to the power circuit, current flows at all times. When a surge occurs, added current flows to the capacitor thereby lowering the intensity of the surge voltage. The amount of current the capacitor can absorb depends on the size of the capacitor, and the amount of voltage pushing the current.
If the surge is of a low current relative to its voltage intensity, the capacitor will absorb it. If the surge has high current, the capacitor cannot absorb it.
By contrast, our lightning arrestor takes no current from the line during normal operation. When a surge occurs, the arrestor turns on to provide a discharge path. When the surge is gone, the arrestor turns off. The arrestor will handle unlimited amount of current, although amounts exceeding 100,000 amps will generally damage the arrestor.
The main advantage of a capacitor is that there is no time delay in turning on as it always conducts. The disadvantage is that the amount of current it can handle is limited to a few thousand amps, depending on the surge voltage. For this reason, an arrestor should always be installed with a capacitor to protect it from intense surges.
The continuous current flowing to a surge capacitor does not cause a waste of electricity. The capacitive reactanc cancels some of the inductive load, actually reducing the net power used by a fractional amount, thereby slightly reducing the power bill.
We offer three surge capacitors: 250 volt, single phase; 600 volt, three phase; 650 volt, three phase. An internal discharge circuit is provided. Mounting is facilitated by a three quarter inch nipple at the top of the unit. The black wires connect to the circuits, and the white wire connects to a ground. The housing is made of a non-conductive cylinder. Mounting brackets are available for each model of surge capacitor at an additional charge. They may be obtained by adding the part number MB to the end of the surge capacitor model number.
August 19, 2019
Now is the time to install your KVAR Hydro Saver
Cottagers brace for ‘disastrous’ jump in electricity costs Bills could rise as much as 129%!
Stu Mills · CBC News · Posted: Aug 19, 2019
Hydro rates could soon more than double for some seasonal property owners if changes proposed by the Ontario Energy Board go through.
Ontario cottage owners are in for a shock this fall as electricity rates for seasonal customers are set to rise by as much as 129 per cent.
Billing changes fair, board says.
But Hydro One says the new scheme, if implemented, would shift the burden of paying for power to those customers in rural and hard-to-reach areas, and some cottage owners would see their bills skyrocket by as much as 129 per cent.
“An increase like that is disastrous,” said cottager David Rogers, 78, whose family has maintained a wood-sided seasonal retreat southwest of Ottawa on Christie Lake since 1946.
Ontario cottage owners upset hydro rates could skyrocket!
the eZone went from a 85% Power Factor to a 97% Power Factor using the KVAR Hydro Saver.
We are very pleased to have the eZone as one of our new partners saving on Hydro Cost, the eZone went from a 85% Power Factor to a 97% Power Factor using the KVAR Hydro Saver. You can join in on the savings and lower your cost and emissions today just give us a call.
At the eZone, our mission is simple: continue finding ways to ensure that everyone who enters our doors, is in a much better mood when they leave.
Contact Us To Book Your Next Event
416.252.8300 or [email protected]
Federal Carbon Charge will cause a “double-whammy” on condominium gas bills, AFER Fuel Savers reduce Emissions.
July, 2019
The federal carbon charge went into effect April 1, 2019. The 3.9 cents per cubic meter charge will increase annual gas bills by 12-15%. This charge is expected to increase annually each April.
Enbridge only recently (July 4) received approval from the Ontario Energy Board to include this charge on natural gas bills. Thus, Ontario gas customers are in for a “double-whammy” – their bills will now contain the original 3.9 cent per cubic meter charge on top of retroactive charges on gas consumption from April 1st.
Federal Carbon Charge
July, 2019
Natural gas is dependable and affordable energy that enhances people’s quality of life and helps local business and industry prosper and grow. It continues to be the lowest-cost energy source and remains the most economical choice for home and water heating in Ontario.
What is the federal carbon charge?
As part of the federal government’s carbon pollution pricing program, a carbon charge applies to fossil fuels sold in Ontario, including natural gas. The federal carbon charge for natural gas is 3.91 cents per cubic metre (m3). This charge is expected to increase annually each April.
There is also a facility carbon charge, which for residential customers ranges from $0 to $0.03 per month, included in the delivery or transportation charge on your bill. This charge is associated with the costs to operate Enbridge Gas’s facilities. All of the money that we collect for the federal carbon charge goes to the federal government.
What does this mean for you?
The federal carbon charge is included on customers’ bills effective Aug. 1, 2019 and will show as a separate line item. It is forecasted that for the average Ontario household, the federal carbon charge will add about $94 to your annual natural gas bill. The total cost will depend on how much natural gas you use, but can be determined by multiplying the federal carbon charge rate by the number of cubic metres of gas you used (which can be found on your natural gas bill).
State & Main Oakville 301 Hays Blvd Oakville, Ontario
July, 2019
We are please to say that AFER has installed our KVAR Hydro Saver and our AFER Fuel Savers to reduce energy cost and emissions.
If “where you are” and “where you want to be” were an intersection, they would be State & Main. Come by today for some great food, great drinks and great times.
June 3rd, 2019
Using the information from “Mywater Toronto” a spread sheet was created comparing May 2018 to May 2019 (the 1st full month.)
Water usage is 19% less!
For 77 Harbour Square this would be about a $20,000 dollar reduction annually.
“The installation was easy. We adjusted the flow mid May by just tweaking the valve. This was done manually with no water stoppage.”
“We are pleased to see great results at 77 Harbour Square in Toronto and have now installed 99 Harbour Square! Soon Toronto will be one of the great cities reducing water cost for all buildings.”
Did you know?
- Effect of air compression/increased density of entrained water on the water meter. Air is not actually “compressed” but rather reduced in size and volume to a state that in not able to be registered on the meter. Think of it as taking marble sized pockets of air being reduced to the size of grains of sand.
- Effect/nature of compressed air after passing through the Water Valve, i.e. cavitation, air expansion, etc. There is no ill effect to operation or equipment function.
- How Water Valve works in tandem with, and effect/s on booster pumps. In a booster pump application we are able to reduce the incoming pressure to a point just above the minimum inlet pressure as specified by the booster skid manufacturer. This added pressure reduction increases savings potential.
- Water Valve impact on fluctuation of usage demand cycles throughout the day. If the facility is having demand issues the installation of a Water Valve is not going to cure any delivery problem if supply is inadequate.
- Overview of internal working/assembly of Water Valve, re: spring biased plunger, etc. The operation of the Water Valve is based on incoming water supply pressure, compresses the piston and spring assembly until it is overcome by the spring tension. At that point the piston returns to the seat to provide a shockwave or reverse pressure which reduces the size of air and lineates the flow passing through the meter. This action eliminates the meter from registering air, turbulent flow and over spinning to deliver a reading of pure water. The only moving parts in the Water Valve are the piston and spring. Any spring failure is due to heat and/or abrasion. The Water Valve spring being immersed in cold water heat will never be a factor. With the spring being centred on the piston shaft it will protect against abrasion and surface wear.
We are excited to now have the eZone in Toronto now reducing hydro with our KVAR Hydro Saver
Welcome to The Great Indoors at eZone!
At the eZone, our mission is simple: continue finding ways to ensure that everyone who enters our doors, is in a much better mood when they leave.
Installation into a booster pump system
Wednesday October 24th, 2018
In regards to the Water Valve installation into a system utilizing a booster pump system or VFD ( variable speed drive ) we can achieve a greater savings by adjusting the Water Valve down or near to the minimum inlet pressure as prescribed by the booster skid manufacturer. Most systems require a minimum inlet of 25 to 30 PSI. We are able to adjust down to that or 10% greater than that setting. For example, if we have a municipal system delivering to a property at 65 PSI I would drop the pressure down to 35 PSI. A 30 PSI pressure drop which in no way affects the post booster system pressure comparing to a multiple floor property without a booster where we have to be mindful of the per floor pressure drop ( usually 5 to 8 PSI per floor ) A 5 floor property for example with the same 65 PSI delivery pressure I could only adjust the Water Valve down to a 15 PSI drop in pressure to maintain 20 to 25 PSI on the upper floors of the facility. To put it simply;
65 PSI system with a booster we can drop 35- 40 PSI on the delivery
65 PSI system with no booster only 10-15 PSI depending on how many floors.
The bigger pressure drop we can create equates into more compression internally on the supply water which gives us a bigger savings potential.
Papa John’s Installed with Afer Fuel Savers
Wednesday September 19th, 2018
We are excited to see not only another Pizza location installing our AFER Fuel Savers, yes Papa John’s a well known restaurant is now using our AFER Fuel Savers in Kentucky way to go Bob at Global Waste Solutions.
Club Link has added Afer
Friday August 17th, 2018
We are very pleased to see that Paul from Energy Solutions Now has moved forward with installations into Club Link Golf courses such as Glendale and Heron Point with the KVAR, Water Valve and the AFER Fuel Saver, Paul has already installed Glenn Abbey and Glencairn
Saving Money As Well As the Planet
Thursday August 2nd, 2018
Fossil fuels, which include natural gas, propane and oil, are used to produce roughly 85 percent of all of the energy we consume. However, they are non-renewable resources that produce 21.3 billion tons of emissions a year. Nearly half of that cannot be absorbed by nature therefore this now becomes one of the leading cause of global warming. Despite all of the renewed talk of helping the environment and stopping the Earth’s temperature from rising further, Gordon Kaitting, did not see meaningful action being taken as a result. So Gordon developed a patent pending product to improve the combustion of fossil fuels for commercial and residential systems and appliances.
“The premise behind the company was to develop green technology for fossil fuels. So through trials and tribulations we ended up with the product we currently manufacture that works with fossil fuels to improve combustion,” Gordon Kaitting, president of AFER Inc. ( Action Fuel & Emission Reduction Inc.) explains. With a revolutionary piece of technology, the “AFER Inc.” system, Gordon Kaitting, started the company in the early 2000. Based out of Oakville, Ontario, the company was created to help manufacturing companies, restaurants, hotels, the agricultural industry, etc., lower their fuel consumption and reduce their emissions. Since the company’s first installation AFER Inc. system has been applied to over 10,000 appliances throughout Canada that range from a home furnace up to a 10 million BTU boiler system.
There is an undeniable demand amongst Canadian companies and citizens to help the environment with AFER Inc.’s product, homeowners and businesses can finally back up the talk in a cost-effective manner. If one has an appliance powered by fuel, the AFER system has an application for it. All it takes is a simple installation on an incoming fuel line, seven feet within ignition of the appliance, and the system begins working instantly to improve combustion. In the end the fuels are burned more efficiently, thereby lowering personal consumption as well as carbon monoxide emissions.
Tested, Proven and Cost-effective
Thursday August 2nd, 2018
A perception exists that going green and helping the environment can be a burden for a company. Living in an environmentally friendly manner at home can be easy, but if that lifestyle can get in the way of profit-maximization, it may be the last thing on the minds of those at the top of companies struggling to survive the tough times. This is why AFER Inc. promises to save businesses money and make its system both the economical and the environmental choice.
AFER Inc., has backed up its claims by receiving an accreditation from OnSpeX, a consumer product evaluation company based in Cleveland. In testing a high-efficiency 100,000 BTU Carrier furnace using the AFER Inc. product, OnSpeX published the following results: “Combustion efficiency increased 1.42 percent, meaning a cleaner, more efficient burning of the fuel. Carbon Monoxide decreased 100 percent. AFER Inc. increased the temperature of the system by five percent, which means a higher heat efficiency that generates fuel savings, and increased the Steady State Condensate by 30.5 percent which results in an increase of airflow across the heat exchanger and overall savings on fuel costs.”
AFER’s Bright Future
Thursday August 2nd, 2018
AFER Inc. is a company, that is expanding rapidly and with the help of Global Waste Solutions in Louisville, KY USA and Bob Raymond has been extremely successful in doing for the United States what AFER Inc. has done for Canada. The company operates in Oakville, Ontario Canada, where Gordon Kaitting’s heritage began as one of the first settlers in the year 1806 coming from Utica NY and originally from Ireland. Through its revolutionary new product and confidence in its ability to save businesses money, AFER Inc. has a bright future that is good news for all that participate in making this planet a better place to live in..
812 Pizza Company Georgetown Indiana
Friday July 6th, 2018
812 Pizza Company, in Georgetown, Indiana USA, is the area’s leading pizza place serving Floyd, Clark and Harrison counties and surrounding areas. Floyd is very pleased with the results as of the last entry and the service from our U.S. distributor Global Waste Solutions in Kentucky
Gallons |
Cost |
Total |
Taxes |
04/20/18 |
325 |
1.79 |
625.79 |
40.94 |
05/04/18 |
300 |
1.79 |
577.48 |
37.78 |
05/18/18 |
275 |
1.79 |
529.36 |
34.63 |
05/31/18 |
225 |
1.79 |
433.11 |
28.33 |
Friday June 15th, 2018
We are very pleased to now have Shoeless Joe’s recommend our KVAR Hydro Saver, AFER Fuel Saver and our Water Valve to reduce Energy Cost and Emissions.
Friday February 9th, 2018
We welcome Brian of BRH Mechanical Plumbing Experts to our team of professionals looking to reduce Energy Cost, Brian is a Master Plumber with over 20 years experience in residential and commercial plumbing.
Thursday January 25th, 2018
We are excited to see the results at Erectoweld in Oakville Ontario with KVAR Hydro savings and increase Power Factor from the mid 80% to the mid 90% of which now takes away all penalties and reduces all other costs of the Hydro bill. KVAR along with the Water Valve for water savings and the ECO-Clamp for Fuel savings helps to combat other increased cost.
Friday January 12th, 2018
We are very pleased to now have many Tim Horton’s in Ottawa join other locations who have installed our KVAR Hydro Saver along with our Water Valve to reduce water cost and our ECO-CLAMP to reduce Fuel Cost and emissions to help offset the new minimum wage hike.
We are pleased to now have St Louis Bar & Grill along with Shoeless Joes reducing Energy Cost To Help offset the new Ontario government’s new Bill 148 minimum wage increase. It is also exciting to see more companies taking advantage of our Water Valve for Water Savings, today’s rising water cost are a great concern. Stay in front and maximize your savings with the Water Valve such as Montana’s and Tim Horton’s are doing along with many others.
AFER Inc. is pleased to announce that they have entered into a strategic agreement with the Sustainable Growth Solutions Inc. as a new distributor and we are confident that our partnership will provide better service for our customers by offering an expanded line of products and a higher financial savings on energy costs.
Paolo von Braumberger
Chief Operations Officer
Sustainable Growth Solutions Inc.
2010 Winston Park Drive, 2nd Floor
Oakville, ON L6H 5R7
[email protected]
Cell: 416-898-8211
Office: 905-827-6222
Great News! Here’s an update on our latest installation of KVAR at Montana’s BBQ & Bar in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
“The highest Amp when KVAR is off is 30.6 Amp and when turned on Amp goes down to 22.2Amp. We’re already planning more installations at our other locations. If you have question or inquiries feel free to reach me at 780-803-6466.”
We are very pleased to have another Boston Pizza in Hamilton join in on the savings of our AFER Hydro and Fuel systems!
MONDAY JULY 31, 2017
How KVAR Hydro Saver Works
When you bring electricity into your establishment from the utility company it is alternating current electricity (60 cycles per second) and you are expecting it to do two kinds of work — resistive and inductive.
When you supply power to an ordinary light bulb, it immediately produces light and in a very short time it also produces heat. The resistance to the passage of electricity creates light and heat. This is called the resistive load.
When supply power to any appliance with an electric coil in it, such as an electric motor or a transformer, the electricity passing through the magnetic field of the coil induces a responsive electrical energy that works in the opposite direction to the electricity that is driving the motor. This is called the inductive load.
Our KVAR Hydro Saver is installed into your electrical system between the electric meter and your main electric panel, and it distinguishes between the resistive load and the inductive load. It does nothing to the resistive load; just leaves it alone. However, due to some of the features of alternating current the KVAR unit captures the inductive load on one cycle, turns it around and gives it back to all the circuits connected to your panel as useful energy on the next cycle. It does that 60 times per second.
KVAR Hydro Saver can be used beneficially in any kind of establishment that has a lot of inductive load generated by fridges, coolers, freezers, air conditioners, fans and pumps; basically, any kind of device that uses motors and all fluorescent lighting that uses a transformer type ballast.
Surge Protection
The KVAR Hydro Saver works as an overall surge protector to guard against major surges of power that come down the utility line from other users (or from a lightning storm).
Reduction of Electric Noise
Whenever a device connected to the electric panel turns on or off or changes speed it creates a blip in the quality of the electricity in the circuit. These can be frequency variations, mini-surges, troughs, harmonics, variations in voltage etc. When this occurs frequently it is referred to as electrical noise, which reduces the efficiency at which electrical devices operate. The KVAR Hydro Saver helps to filter out electric noise.
Reduction in Maintenance Costs
Electric noise creates wear and tear on electric devices. Therefore a reduction in electric noise reduces maintenance costs and extends the useful life of inductive load appliances.
Brown Out Protection
A brown out condition occurs when the electricity demand by the overall community is almost more than the local utility can supply. Because so many applications are turning on and off every second, the result is that on a momentary basis the electricity available can drop below a critical threshold. That threshold varies for different equipment but when the supply drops below a specific equipment is either damaged, shuts off or both. In many cases the KVAR Hydro Saver keeps the in-building electricity supply just above the threshold during brownout conditions.
The supply of water and energy is one of our most critical national problems. If we cannot increase our supply, then it is imperative to reduce our consumption. Fortunately it’s been proven that we can conserve dramatically and in a manner which will not seriously affect the lifestyles we have become used to. Water and energy conservation are so intimately intertwined that they are practically synonymous. Any reduction in the usage of water will automatically result in a reduction of the use of energy. What this means, therefore, is that our whole philosophy on the use of water is changing and we are finally recognizing that we have been “water rich” over the years and it is now time to get back to reality by adjusting to our actual needs and to practice good conservation principles.
With water and energy conservation, through the use of water pressure reducing valves such as the Water Valve is not only in the national interest but provides a significant benefit to the Industrial and Commercial industry along with all homeowners.
What is water pressure?
When a fixture in a business or home is opened and water flows from it, it is because the water is “pushed.” This “push” is pressure. The speed at which water flows from the opened outlet depends on the amount of “push” or pressure which exists at that time in the system. In short, the higher the pressure, the stronger the “push” behind the water.
What is wrong with high water pressure?
High water pressure, which is generally considered anything above 60 lbs., has some advantage, such as in firefighting systems. However, in the business or home plumbing system, it can be damaging because water, with a strong “push” behind it, can erode or wear away many materials and cause water heaters to leak, banging water pipes, dripping faucets, excessive dishwasher and clothes washer noise and breakdown, and leaking water pipes. Therefore, water flowing at a rate in excess of that necessary to satisfy normal fixture or appliance demands becomes damaging, wasteful and reduces the life expectancy of equipment in the system. But, most important to the average business or homeowner is that high water pressure can add to the cost of water, energy and waste water bills.
The difference in water flow from a fixture when the pressure is at 100 psi vs. a pressure of 50 psi? Reducing the pressure from 100 psi to 50 psi will result in a saving of approximately 1/3 because 1/3 less water flows at this lower pressure. Remember, there is more “push” behind the water at 100 psi than
at 50 psi and most of this water is wasted. A moderate savings would result if your supply pressure was reduced to 65 psi However, even at this lower pressure, savings would be 20%.
How do these savings benefit the water and energy utilities?
A high rise office building in Chicago was designed using water conservation products which resulted in savings of more than 3,000,000 gallons of water per year. This is significant in that the municipal water utility did not have to pump that extra gallonage, the water purification plant didn’t have to treat it, the building itself saved on pumping of 3,000,000 gallons, and there must have been significant savings in energy by conserving hot water. Also, there were further savings by the fact that 3,000,000 gallons of water, or the normal portion thereof, did not have to be distributed to the wastewater system and consequently the water treatment plant did not have to retreat this water. The heating of water takes energy and it should also be remembered that “pumping” water from one place to another also requires a considerable amount of energy.
FRIDAY JULY 14, 2017
The numbers below are for a restaurant in Ontario with billing for April, May & June 2017 showing savings from April $1093.00 May $619 June $434.00 when installing the KVAR Hydro Saver with exception to the Global Adjustment (as per below when electricity prices go down Global Adjustment goes up) and Distribution ( billed on Demand which increased from 69.3 to 79.5) ( bill demand can only be controlled through the hours of 7 am to 7 pm if you can monitor your products on you can reduce the amount) With regards to Global Adjustment the hydro company has no control on this.
What is the global adjustment?
Ontario Clean Energy Benefit. … Originally introduced in 2005 as the Provincial Benefit, the Global Adjustment can be a credit or a charge to the customer to account for the difference between the spot price of electricity and the rates paid to various regulated and non-regulated generators across Ontario.

Did you know when AFER Inc. corrects your Power Factor this frees up capacity on your supply transformer and allows you to increase your System Capacity?Adding the AFER System helps to add additional load to your system without altering the kVA. When you reduce current from the distribution network you are reducing your Carbon Footprint.
What Is Power Factor and Power Factor Correction?
You may be able to find your current power factor indicated on your electricity bill. A low power factor means you’re not fully using the electrical power you’re paying for, creating significant penalties on your electricity bill, overloading your electrical distribution system, and increasing your carbon footprint.
Power factor can be improved (corrected) by installing power factor correction capacitors. A high power factor of 90% or more will result in more efficient electrical consumption and a lower utility bill.

Power factor correction removes power factor penalties on your electricity bill.
Electricity tariffs for industrial and commercial customers have energy and demand rates. Some of these tariffs are structured to increase the cost of electricity if your power factor does not meet a minimum threshold (often 90%). Regardless of how your utility bills you for power, power factor correction can save you money.
Furthermore, a high power factor means your power system is not demanding significantly more power than it is actually using.
Increased System Capacity:
Power factor correction frees up capacity on your supply transformer. Adding power factor correction capacitors allows you to add additional load to your system without altering the kVA.
Improved Voltage Conditions:
Low voltage, resulting from excessive draw, causes motors to be sluggish and overheated. As power factor decreases, total line current increases, causing further voltage drop.
By adding capacitors to your system and improving power factor, you will improve voltage and therefore get more efficient motor performance and longer motor life.
Reduced Transmission Losses:
Losses caused by poor power factor are due to reactive current flowing in the system. These are watt-related charges that can be eliminated through power factor correction.
Reduced Carbon Footprint:
Power factor correction reduces the total current drawn from an electrical distribution network (which affects systems such as the power stations, distribution grid, and supply transformers). In so doing, the heat or transmission losses incurred on these systems are reduced, which reduces your carbon footprint.

We are pleased to receive this recommendation from Fire Inspired Foods on the performance of the KVAR Hydro Saver.
“When I first did business with Gordon I was the Director of Operations at Boston Pizza and he introduced me to the Eco-Clamp.
These clamps are put on a gas line and ensures a cleaner gas and deteriorates carbon build up on the pipes. Pretty good memory eh Gordon! These we put into our only corporate location and we saved anywhere from 10-20% and that’s a fact. These were put into over 30 Boston Pizza’s and keep in mind they were newer buildings compared to our original 8, so we might save more.
Marco and team, I have seen this product in action and your flame will be bluer or hotter, so any equipment that runs on gas will operate better or hotter, so you’ll need to temp the fryers everyday and keep an eye on the high of the flame when something is being sautéed etc.”
Tony Pereira
Operating Partner
Fire Inspired Foods
May 27, 2016
Power Factor Savings at Tim Hortons
I am very pleased to announce that Paul Knight from Energy Solutions Now has received news back from several Tim Hortons location. Windsor is no longer paying penalties for being under the 90% Power Factor therefore lowering his Hydro bills along with Ottawa while showing a 95% Power Factor rose to a 100% Power Factor and is saving over 7% on his hydro bills. Great news Paul.
May 7th, 2016
Your Carbon Footprint
AFER & KVAR continuously Increase Efficiency & Lower Hydro cost by using our highest quality parts with no maintenance required. Our capacitance increases the efficiency of all A/C motors which in turn reduces the peak demand and reduces the voltage. This also lowers the heat build up on all motors which then gives the motors a much longer life and automatically reduces your Carbon Footprint.
April 25, 2016
More AFER and KVAR Installations at Montana’s
We are very pleased to announce that Tony Pereira of Fire Inspired Foods who has 10 Montana’s has decided to install KVAR Hydro Savers and AFER Fuel Savers at all locations. Tony started with one location with our KVAR Hydro Savers and our AFER Fuel Savers and was so very pleased with the results, he decided to roll them out to all his locations.